Emollients are one of the vital ingredients in a variety of personal care products, and the choice of suitable emollient has a significant effect on skin feel, moistening, product texture and stability of the formulation. Emollients can be classified according to their chemical structure or physical and chemical properties.
An important part of emollient structure is the hydrocarbon chain which is often combined with alcohol and acid groups and eventually ester is made. The raw material used in the production of emollients can be petrochemical, animal sources or natural sources such as vegetable oils. Animal fat or tallow contains stearic acid and Palmitic acid respectively having a length of 18 and 16 carbon chains. Currently, due to the advantages of emollients based on vegetable oils such as non-toxicity and skin sensitization, many manufacturers of personal care products have been eliminating animal-based ingredients.
Also, through the proper design of the molecular structure and the components of an emollient, some properties such as rheology and polarity can be adjusted according to the needs in production of final product such as moisturizing, sensory properties, and other things.
The rheology of an emollient has effect on the softness, fat content and spreadibility of the formulation of a product. Also, the polarity of an emollient has effect on the type of formulation effect of the product with the skin.
Due to the importance of emollient ester stability against hydrolysis and oxidation, the production of these materials needs high accuracy and high knowledge because any problem in the production of emollient creates some problems such as making bad odor, skin sensitivity and so on. Also, considering parameters such as purity, biodegradability and stability in choosing an emollient for the formulation of a product, will have a significant impact on improving the quality and development of that product.
Oh Sung Chemical Company with long experience in supplying emollient esters for global markets and numerous patents on emollient esters production, provides manufacturers with a range of emollients for personal care products to meet the needs and concerns of manufacturers.