
Snack and Popcorn:

One of the products that is used extensively among the world’s societies is a variety of snacks, chips and popcorns, which are sometimes used as alternatives to some traditional meals, such as breakfast, lunch and even dinner. Despite the high popularity of these products, especially in young people, the health of these products is still one of the important concerns of consumers, as it is expected that the health and richness of these products are important factors for the future growth of these products. For example, consumers are looking for products and snacks that have less salt and calories, and on the other hand they can enjoy taste variation of used flavors in these products.

One of the ingredients that is used extensively in this group of products and is one of the factors that influence the consumer’s choice of these products are flavors. The taste variation, quality, persistence and naturality of these flavors are one of the most important factors in choosing the right flavoring for health-oriented products.

In order to meet these needs, Ungerer & Company, with 150 years of global presence and advanced technology, offers to manufacturers a wide range of natural and natural identical flavors for snacks, chips and popcorns. In addition to producing products with a greater flavor and higher quality, they can produce healthier products (up to 50% less salt) and ultimately increase their customer satisfaction.


Contact technical department of Essence Aria for consultation and proper flavoring for your products

Meat products and condiments

Meat products and sausages are one of the most popular products, especially in children, adolescents and young people. Given the growing demand for these products as main meal, and on the other hand, with increased consumer awareness, demand for more healthy sausages and meat products is increasing day by day.  Consumers prefer to consume the product which have at the same time the factors of pleasant and innovative taste desirable, less salt and more natural and healthy ingredients.

On the other hand, due to the type of process (production process) of these products, manufacturers have a lot of concerns about the use of stable and high quality ingredients. One of the main ingredients used in these products and plays a very important role in the quality of these products are flavors. Because these ingredients in addition to creating a good taste, should be able to maintain a sufficient sustainability in the production and thermal processes of these products.

According to the mentioned above, Ungerer & Company, with 150 years of experience in the production of stable and special flavors as well as its experienced and professional flavorist, presents a wide range of flavors are used for meat products and condiments.

At Ungerer we have the ability to accommodate the demanding needs of today’s multicultural society. Our culinary expertise combine with an understanding of global consumer preferences and extensive technical capabilities to produce outstanding savoury flavours for sauces, marinated cooked meats, ready meals, soups and more.


With state-of-the-art technology and onsite reaction vessels, we are able to explore and fully test our products in house. We develop authentic taste profiles to complement and enhance your products.

Regarding the growing demand for healthier products, Ungerer & Company has produced a group of natural flavorings using high tech technologies to reduce salt consumption, so that they can reduce their salts by 50%.

Please contact with technical department of Essence Aria for consultation and request of the proper flavoring for your products.

Chewing gum:


From the range of sweets and chocolates, chewing gum is one of the most popular choices for the entire population, and it’s interesting that the main consumers of gum is young people.

One of the most important ingredients used in the production of chewing gum is flavors, which play the most important role in creating a sense of satisfaction for consumers.

Ungerer & Company, with the use of high quality and stable ingredients in the production of its flavors and also using world-wide technologies, offers to dear producers a wide range of long lasting natural and natural identical flavors in various forms and granules in order to create stable and pleasant taste in the mouth.


Please Contact technical department of Essence Aria for consultation and request of the proper flavoring for your products.

Tea and hot beverages:

Tea and hot beverages are one of the most popular beverages in the world, especially in Iran, and after water, they consume the most. In general, the tea market is divided into two categories, which include traditional tea and specialty teas. Both of these sectors have witnessed dramatic changes in tea taste improvement due to changing consumer tastes, which is expected to grow in the future. In this context, given the increasing awareness of consumers, they prefer to choose tea that is healthy for them, and, on the other hand, they want to experience new flavors  of tea in the world. Meanwhile, regarding the increasing popularity of tea in both young and old, the supply of natural and new flavors to the tea market can be responsive to consumers’ needs.

On the other hand, due to the modernization of the society and the increase the number of involved people, tea bags has entered into the tea market for ease of use, and the consumption of this type of tea has grown  considerably. Among this, tea manufacturers had to use specific bag for increasing tea impact with hot water and releasing more notes from the tea bags at the earliest time, and on the other hand they were forced to use higher-dose synthetic flavors, which has contradiction with increasing their efficiency and reducing their costs.

Ungerer & Company, as one of the largest producers of raw materials used in specialty flavors, has succeeded in producing raw materials that have been completely filtered from all impurities, which resulted in the strength of them.

In addition, this company by using updated technologies such as micro-encapsulation as well as its experienced and creative flavourist, It produces a variety of natural flavors for all kinds of tea and tea bags, which, in addition to the transfer of natural and special flavors to tea, will increase the performance of flavors in tea.


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